Stayed here for 4 days, in all honesty I was tempted on first sight to forgo my first night’s charge and walk away but on a tight budget and couldn’t really afford to do that. Firstly, this is not a bed and breakfast it’s a bed and evening meal which starts at 7pm and finishes at 8.30pm or thereabouts.||||The entrance to the building is through a forecourt where you may be able to park your car, I would advise against this, you may get your car damaged or indeed blocked in, on the first morning I was awoken at 5.00am to move my car so a truck could get out, not enjoyable in the freezing cold.||||There is no reception at the actual accommodation if you can call it that, the public house is the reception, anyway onto fist impressions, horrible place, marks on the carpet, a small wardrobe that you could not hang a shirt, trousers, suit or anything in for that matter. The electrical points, well an extension lead 2-way, 1 way really as one of the plug sockets did not work.||||Two double beds, one with a shaky headboard that was relatively useless, more about that later. Bathroom was filthy, urine marks on the rim of the bath, excrement left in the actual bowl, along with excrement splattered in various parts of the bowl, the shower head was growing some form of organism as was the toilet brush and the toilet brush holder, there was black mold around the base of the shower, and basically it was filthy and unhygienic.||||The heated towel rail, was not on, so I turned it on, became warm then leaked and started to flood the bathroom, I turned this off and left it well alone. The wash basin, not particularly clean, no hot water throughout my stay, even if you decided to wash using the basin you would bang your head on the shelf, I washed in cold water.||||Back to the bed with the shaky/loose headboard, I decided to sleep in this bed on my first night, closer to the radiator, however after enduring the headboard banging for a while I noticed that the linen smelt very strongly of sweat, I truly believe the linen had not been changed from the previous guest or guests !, I vacated this bed and moved to the other, this was relatively comfortable, forget about using the bed drawers they are broken beyond repair.|| Worth mentioning at this point that the sheets were never changed and the towels only got changed after a 2-day cycle even if they were soaked and placed in the shower bowl for removal/cleaning and replacement. Also, the towels smelt awful best described as a kitchen fat smell, awful, not to mention the marks on the towels, quite disgusting to be truthful.||||The whole room smelt of dirty water throughout my stay, I purchased an aromatic spray from the co-op which kept the stench at bay for a while.||||Out of the 4 nights I stayed in this place I was awoken by smokers in the garden shouting and laughing, smokers sometimes under my window doing the same, riotous activities along the corridors when they returned the worse for wear from the public house, elongated shouting in the adjoining rooms and in all anti-social behavior so never had a complete night’s sleep.||||On 2 nights I had to approach the Staff in the pub to get access to my room simply because the courtyard entrance was locked, they did supply a pass code on my arrival, but the lighting in the courtyard was so poor I couldn’t see the numbers in any case, on each occasion the Staff were astounded if not amazed the door was closed and secured.||||As previously mentioned, I did eat in the Public house the one night and the food was quite acceptable, turkey with veg and mash, gravy, typical pub food but quite good. However, due to the filthy room I had grave concerns that this lack of hygiene may be inherent in the Public house itself so decided not to eat in there again, and took great care in regards what I touched in the room, without been melodramatic I truly believe there are public health issues hear and without a doubt a risk to guests wellbeing, I am contemplating seeking advice on this from Public health.||||The Coffee tray situated in the useless wardrobe was filthy, covered in splatters of coffee, no tea !!, bizarre, too much trouble perhaps, the spoons were filthy and stained, the mugs likewise, the kettle was in a disgusting state with large amounts of limescale at the spout, lid and within the kettle itself, I did not drink from the mugs throughout my stay, really dirty.||||The shutters in the bathroom, the ability to close the shutters was not there, broken, the only way to close them was to manually move them, else people in the courtyard could see you having a shower or using the lavatory, some of the slats were broken too. Just to mention as well in the bedroom the little curtain provided was not fit for purpose, short by four inches or so, didn’t close the curtains in case it fell down.||||I could go on and on really, photographs taken of all of the above complaints and more than happy to share with whoever may decide to commit to the awful place, my advice, do not stop here unless you want to feel unclean and living in comparative squalor.||||This place is not for business people or any other human being, it is grossly overpriced for what it is, at £60.00 per night it is nothing more than daylight robbery. Stayed in several B&B’s locally some at £50.00 per night they were delightful. Would I stay here again ?, most certainly not, dirty, unhygienic and disgusting, so happy to escape, never to return.